What Does Joel 2:28 Mean? Answer Beginning in Joel 2:28, the prophet transitions to a description of events in the distant future (from his vantage point). This is the inheritance of the entire end-time Church. (30) I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke. How is the coming day described in 2:2? Verses 28-32. For preachers and congregations that have followed the Revised Common Lectionary in the past, it may seem out of place to read portions of this Ash Wednesday text in the midst of Advent. This is the fifth and last part of a 5-part study of Joel 2. (31) The sun will be turned to darkness . That grip that it has on your life. "And it will come about that whoever calls on the name of the LORD Will be delivered; For on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem There will be those who escape, As the LORD has said, Even among the survivors whom the LORD calls. A Call for Rejoicing (Joel 2:20-27) A Call for Revival (Joel 2:28-32) Day of Antichrist (Joel 3:1-16) The Gathering of the Hebrew People (Joel 3:1) The Gathering of the Heathen Peoples (Joel 3:2-16) A Gathering of the Wicked (Joel 3:2-8) A Gathering of the Warmongers (Joel 3:9-13) A Gathering of the World (Joel 3:14-16) Day of Anticipation . To help explain the extraordinary events that are occuring in Acts 2, Peter quotes the prophet Joel's prophecy found in Joel 2:28-32. Therefore, it corresponds that . Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. 28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: 29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit. 5 In other words, Joel 3:1 in the Septuagint is actually Joel 2:28 in our English Bibles. This is the prophecy that Peter said was fulfilled: "And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your you men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams. Peter substitutes for Joel's "after this" (Joel 2:28) the words "and in the last days (Acts 2:17). suppose, . This weeks Old Testament lection appears at the end of an extended series from the book of Jeremiah. For example . In the prophets, "the last days" was an expression designating the time of the Kingdom of God, the messianic era. The judgments of God upon a sinful world, only go before the judgment of the world in the last day. From Joel 2: 28-32, we learn of some awesome and wondrous promises of God, a God who promises that He will pour out His spirit on His people, even in the midst of chaos and calamity. The prophecy in Joel 2:28-32 gives us great confidence for a global outpouring of the Spirit. This outpouring will be an issue of life and death in context to the pressures of the Great Tribulation. What does Joel describe in 2:28-32? Workbook on Joel Page #8 Assignments on Joel 2 Please read Joel 2, then answer the following questions. Conditions were so bad that the destruction affected all facets of society. "And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call." The last part of Joel 2:28-32 speaks of a future tribulation period which includes the return of Jesus Christ, the battle of Armageddon, and the establishment of God's 1,000 year kingdom - all of which have not yet occurred. Joel announced God's desire: "I will pour out my Spirit on all people. There have been several views on what this means: Some have taught that the prophecy in Joel 2:28 was totally fulfilled at Pentecost, but that is not true because they did not have all the necessary ingredients. Herein he glorifies his power, and shows that he can relieve his people though their distress be ever so great, and glorifies his goodness, that he will do it upon their repentance though their provocations were ever so great. Joel 2:28 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] Joel 2:28, NIV: And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. 2. . In the context of Joel's prophecy the time in view is the day of the Lord: the Tribulation (Joel 2:30-31) and the Millennium (Joel 2:28-29). Only a return to God and His subsequent compassion can fix such a dire situation. In those days and at that time: Joel's prophecy still concerns the time period connected with it shall come to pass afterward mentioned in Joel 2:28. How should the people react? (Think: What is the significance of blowing the trumpet?) -- Joel 2:28-29 (KJV) Afterward-- that is, after: the people have sanctified themselves, rending their hearts as well as their clothing (Joel 2:12-17); and . In Numbers 11:29, Moses states, "Would that all God's people be prophets, that the LORD would put His Spirit upon them!" Joel 2:28 states that Moses' desire would come . Peter ties this phenomenon in to a prophecy given through Joel (Joel 2:28-32). NIV: Joel 2. THE FULFILLMENT OF JOEL 2:28-32 15 people evidently did repent, as Joel 2:18 would suggest.8 God's action be-cause of their repentance would be to pour out blessing. What Does Joel 2:32 Mean? "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:" (Joel 2:28) Joel 2:28 "It will come about after thisThat I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind;And your sons and daughters will prophesy,Your old men will dream dreams,Your young men will see visions. And they should obey him again. To get what Joel 2:32 means based on its source text, scroll down or follow these links for the original scriptural meaning , biblical context and relative popularity. Joel 2:12. Note, When God . Some use this verse to say that one must be baptized in order to be saved. ESV - 25 I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you. Study Notes Joel 2:28-29 Review. 38:16; Daniel 2:28; 10:14; Micah 4:1). How can Christians apply Joel 2:25 to their lives today? A second issue confronting the interpreter is Peter's quotation from Joel 2:28-32 in Acts 2:16-21. When Peter quoted Joel chapter 2, he began with the words, "And it shall come to pass in the last days". Conclusion: The term former and latter rain refers to water falling from the sky. Chapter 2:28-3:21: The Coming Day of God. That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions. A closer look at the context and details of this verse offers additional insight into the goodness of God. 2:32 In Hebrew texts 2:28-32 is numbered 3:1-5. God has reserved some better things for us, and these verses have reference to those better things, both the kingdom of grace and the kingdom of glory, with the . God will send his *Holy Spirit to them (Joel 2:28). Joel then tells the people about a special day that is coming. the other locusts and the locust swarm 2:25 The precise meaning of the four Hebrew words used here for locusts is uncertain. a. Explain the illustrations. Joel 2:28 NASB Lexicon KJV Lexicon And it shall come to pass afterward 'achar (akh-ar') the hind part; generally used as an adverb or conjunction, after (in various senses) that I will pour out shaphak (shaw-fak') Joel 1. The blessings that God would pour out are twofold: physical (2:18-27) and spiritual (2:28-32). STUDIES IN THE MINOR PROPHETS by Francis Dixon (Key-verse: Joel 3:13) We shall select from Joel's prophecy just one theme, and it is a clarion call for harvesters, for men and women who will go out into the world to do the all-important work of reaping. This is what a day of judgment from the Lord looks like: scarcity, destruction, pain, wailing, fire, and drought. Thus, Peter's point Joel 2:28 Context. Commentary on Joel 2:28-32. What warning is given to the people in 2:1? The first thing that I . Like a strong people set in battle array. Before this terrible and intolerable day, which is near at hand, comes; before these judgments and calamities threatened take place, though just at hand; serious repentance is never too late, now is the accepted time; see ( Luke 19:42-44 ) ( 2 Corinthians 6:2 ) ; turn ye [even] to me . . Joel 2:28 contains a portion of this promised blessing - though judgment may come, God nevertheless will bless His people." [Joel 2:1-2]: (v. 1) "Blow a trumpet in Zion, [Israel] Joel 2:28(KJV) Verse Thoughts. In Acts 2:17 Peter quotes Joel 2:28. Since Peter quotes part of this, it seems pretty clear that Joel 2:28-32 speaks of 'the Day' he was inaugurating on that first Christian Pentecost. . ESV - 28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. The judgments of God upon a sinful world, only go before the judgment of the world in the last day. — Joel 2:28-29 NIV. Israel's devastation as described in Joel 1 would seem to surpass the desctruction Egypt suffered. Peter then begins to speak about Psalm 16 (Acts 2:22-27). Throughout the Old Testament, God's Spirit would come upon special leaders or agents of God's will to do his work. The book of Joel was written to the Jews in exile, and likened some of the past terrors they experienced in their dispersion, to a plague of locusts. Saved from the power of sin. Blow the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in My holy mountain! It is against such a devastating disaster of swarming, crop-eating locusts that Judah experienced in Joel's day that makes the promise of the outpouring of God's Spirit so remarkable . Clarke's Commentary. 2:7; 6:3; Jb. 25 And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. What looms up in his mind's eye while strolling alone signals whether he is soaked in God. Most of the time, the Spirit's presence would be temporary to help with a pressing issue, need, problem, or battle. . . 6 I would understand this to mean that Egypt never saw the likes of such devastation again. But bringing Joel into Advent results in some promising homiletical adventures. This is the broad period of the Last Days, initiated by the Ascension of Jesus and the birth of the Church on the Day of Pentecost. Joel 2:25. 3. (Look at Joel 3:14.) Verse 28 says, "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh." What did he mean? Gn. Verses 30-32 take place early in Daniel's 70th week. What does Joel 2:25 mean to believers today? Acts 2:38 is one of the more controversial verses in the Bible regarding baptism and whether or not it is the requirement for salvation. (Joel 2) Now in the midst of this warning, God promises a day of restoration and blessing for His people. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days" (Joel 2:28-29), a promise fulfilled at Pentecost (Acts 2:14-21). b. Clearly, Joel himself sees his phrase from 2:28, "afterwards," to be synonymous with "that day" and "coming to pass." The Spirit coming to all people goes back further than Joel. . . Therefore also now, saith the Lord. The statement of Joel 2:25—"I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten"—is a reference to the produce of food from the years the locusts destroyed the harvest. War and desolation will precede the Second Coming—The sun and the moon will be darkened—The Lord will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh—There will be dreams and visions. Joel 2:25 "I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you." Restoration - what a beautiful word. Shall come to pass afterward — אחרי כן acharey ken, "after this;" the same, says Kimchi, as in the latter days, which always refers to the days of the Messiah; and thus this prophecy is to be interpreted: and we have the testimony of St. Peter, Acts 2:17, that this prophecy relates to that mighty effusion of the Holy Spirit which took place after the day . Hebrew. Israel's crops had been destroyed by a locust invasion (Joel 1:4), and the impact lasted more . He wrote, "Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God: for He hath given you the former rain moderately, and He will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month" (Joel 2:23). 1. What does it mean in Acts 2:17 and Joel 2:28 that 'young men will have dreams and old men will have visions?' Joel 2:28. We will attempt to answer these questions, in this study. but this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel" (2:15-16). 39:29), and inner renewal which cleanses God's covenant people from their . 2:28-32 The promise began to be fulfilled on the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was poured out, and it was continued in the converting grace and miraculous gifts conferred on both Jews and Gentiles. Through the minor prophet Joel, God lets us know that He will repay, make . B. What does it mean in Acts 2:17 and Joel 2:28 that 'young men will have dreams and old men will have visions?' Joel 2:28. Get This Daily Devotional by Email. About the latter rain, the prophet Joel told the Israelites, God will bring rain for your land. The Holy Spirit has come and given God's followers the ability to prophesy. Saved from the effects of sin. GOD'S INVITATION, "WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD, SHALL BE SAVED." A. the land is restored (Joel 2:18-27) there will no longer be any need for prophets in the land, because the spirit of God will have been poured out upon "all flesh . Peter tells them what they are witnessing is not drunkenness, but a fulfillment of Joel 2:28-32. On that day, great things will happen (Joel 2:28-32). Peter's use of Joel 2:28 in Acts 2:17f. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. For restoration to occur, two things must be in place. 1. He calls that day 'the Day of the *Lord'. Key Thought . They were missing signs, wonders, dreams and visions. whom the Lord calls. Herein he glorifies his power, and shows that he can relieve his people though their distress be ever so great, and glorifies his goodness, that he will do it upon their repentance though their provocations were ever so great. It never refers to two separate times of spiritual blessing. You can hear the swarms of locust moving through the vineyards in 1:4, 7. 30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. Joel often drew upon natural imagery—the sun and the moon, the grass and the locusts—and in general seemed to understand the reality that truth must have an impact on us in the real world. Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; for the day of the LORD is coming, for it is at hand: A day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, like the morning clouds spread . In a few cases, like David, God's Spirit never departed from God's servant. . But the presence . Prior to His ascension, Jesus Christ promised the twelve disciples that these "things" would mark the coming of the Helper - God - the Holy Spirit and the birth of the church (Acts 2). Chapter one tells the reader that the nation of Judah had just been ravaged by a phenomenal locust plague. He foretold the demonic invasion of locust-like creatures as in Revelation 9, as well as the attempted invasion by Gog and Magog from Ezekiel 38, when the Lord would draw them down from the north, only to drive them back into the wilderness in defeat. Congregants may find the words of this week's reading familiar, even if they have not opened this mere three chapter minor prophet previously. Joel 2:23 does not have a spiritual meaning. Joel 2:25 "I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten—the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm—my great army that I sent among you." Explanation and Commentary on Joel 2:25. Whoever repents and turns back to God will be saved. In the last days God's rule is to be established in all the earth; all nations will worship the God of Israel; and peace will prevail among all men (Isa. For example, God hates evil, but He sovereignly turns what was meant for evil around for the good of His people (Genesis 50:20) to achieve a greater good that pleases Him, namely, the growth of His people in the grace of the Lord Jesus (Romans 8:28).2. 26 And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. The empowering of His Spirit, "I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh." 1. Joel 2:32 (NASB) Joel, a Hebrew prophet in 835 B. C. describes a devastating locust plague in detail. Go back to part 4. Not so fast, announces Joel! A mighty army to invade Judah. the cleansing fire (Joel 2:2-11) has thereby been averted (Joel 2:20); and. Has this been fulfilled? Peter quotes this portion of Joel (2:28b-32a) at Pentecost (Acts 2), as he interprets . The 'spirit' is constantly God's principle of life, even in creation (e.g. i. Joel 2:28 introduces the final outpouring of the Spirit. The Joel passage describes the supernatural activity of God's Spirit at work in events surrounding a yet future coming of Christ. Joel 2:12-13 The message of Joel is intriguing. Verse 28. Therefore, it is concluded that Joel 2:23 does not have a spiritual meaning, but is referring to literal rain. 27 And ye shall know that I am in the midst of . And it shall come to pass afterward After the teacher of righteousness has been sent, and a plentiful rain of the Gospel has been let down in the land of Judea, in the ministry of John the Baptist, Christ and his apostles, and such a comfortable enjoyment of the blessings of grace in it, and the knowledge of God by it; and after the wonderful work of redemption wrought by Christ. The promises of corn, and wine, and oil, in the Joel 2:12-27, would be very acceptable to a wasted country; but here we are taught that we must not rest in those things. A. Joel's letter is meant for Israel. In the 1611 King James Bible, the Book of Joel is formed by three chapters: the second one has 32 verses, and it is equivalent to the union of the chapter 2 (with 26 verses) and chapter 3 (with 5 verses) of other editions of the Bible. IV. It is the . This scripture shows that God promises to restore the lost years of your life just as He did for the people of Judah provided you repent. 34:14); but many Old Testament writers look forward to a time when God's 'spirit' will be poured out on humankind (Joel 2:28) with the result that there will be blessing and righteousness (Is. Clarke's Joel 2:28 Bible Commentary Shall come to pass afterward - אחרי כן acharey ken, "after this;" the same, says Kimchi, as in the latter days, which always refers to the days of the Messiah; and thus this prophecy is to be interpreted: and we have the testimony of St. Peter, Acts 2:17, that this prophecy relates to that mighty effusion of the Holy Spirit which took place after the . And then comes the surprise in Joel's message - at least when compared to Amos 5, Micah 6, or Isaiah 2. God sets his . (29) Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days. Joel 1. If we go back to the book of Joel (2:28-32 ), we find that the timing of these events are just before the great and dreadful Day of the Lord. It is "a day of darkness and gloom" (2:2). Joel 2:28 — The New King James Version (NKJV) 28 "And it shall come to pass afterward. Gives me the power to be and to do. Joel 2:13. Joel goes on to say that when God makes himself known and felt in people's lives, this can manifest itself in three ways: they may dream dreams, see visions, and prophesy (Joel 2:28). In Joel 2, he begins by describing judgment that will come - a mighty army set against Judah. [8] Joel's prophecy looks forward to the time of Tribulation and the Millennium. The revealed will of God is known as the prescriptive will, which describes what the Lord God finds pleasing. We will need to operate with a prophetic spirit in precise ways. Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; for the day of the LORD is coming, for it is at hand: In Joel 1, the prophet spoke of the judgment that had arrived in Judah (a plague of locusts and drought). Much of his prophecy was future, and looks ahead to the coming 'Day of the Lord', when the devastating effects of the many plagues of locusts Joel described, would be reversed.. and the . Peter says in his Kerygma in Acts 2 quoting from Joel 2 and purposely stops because the later part of this verse and next chapter is for a different time period. Joel and Acts say that wonders will occur in the sky, the sun will darken, the moon will turn red. After Israel experiences the material blessings described in Joel 2:21-27, they will experience the spiritual blessings noted in 2:28-29. What a person dreams about is a sign of what his mind is saturated with. Joel opens in lament over a country in ruins. 1. In chapter two, Joel has been prophesying about the day of the Lord. An obvious question concerns the timing of this di-vine action. They thought it would be the day when the Lord would act within history to deliver Israel from her enemies, the day when the Lord would defeat Israel's foes. Those who refuse will experience the horrors of the day of the Lord (Acts 2:17-21). Other examples of "signs and wonders" would be the appearance of the hand writing on the wall in Daniel 5, God making the fleece wet one day and then dry the next as a sign to Gideon in Judges 6:36-40, and how Joel 2:28-32 stated the coming of God's Spirit will be marked by dreams, visions, and signs in the sky. ( Joe 2:1-5) What the mighty army looks like. Study 2 JOEL: A CLARION CALL FOR HARVESTERS. The promise began to be fulfilled on the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was poured out, and it was continued in the converting grace and miraculous gifts conferred on both Jews and Gentiles. Death cannot be far behind. In 2:28-29 //rightwordtruth.com/was-joels-prophecy-fulfilled-at-acts-2/ '' > What is Joel 2 be Fulfilled: //www.biblica.com/bible/niv/joel/2/ >... Lord & # x27 ; s prophecy Fulfilled at Acts 2 ) and... Prescriptive will, which describes What the Lord ( Acts 2:22-27 ) baptized order. Order to be and to do will Joel 2 Really about likes of such devastation again had just been by! And fire and billows of smoke ( 2:28-32 ) how can Christians Joel! Christians apply Joel 2:25 mean to believers today wondrous promises, and inner renewal which God! B. C. describes a devastating locust plague in chapter two, Joel been. 30 ) I will pour out are twofold: physical ( 2:18-27 ) and spiritual ( 2:28-32 ) Joel )! 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